Tuesday, August 23, 2011


There was an earthquake here today. Yep, here in Philly.

Well, it was actually in Virginia, but it reached all the way up the East Coast. It didn't even phase me at first-- honestly, I didn't even know what it was at first, because who expects to experience an earthquake in Philadelphia?! Honestly!

But then it sank in what had happened, and the television wouldn't work right away, so I can't see what's going on in the city, and the number at the daycare is busy, because the majority of the phones are working in the city-- too many calls at once or something (sound familiar?), and all I want to know is, IS MY BABY OKAY??? And this small voice in my head is saying, "yes, of course he's fine, it wasn't that bad", but every other ounce of me has to be absolutely sure.

And I am shaking... from my insides to my outsides, almost like I have been on a trampoline or a dock for hours, and I can't make the movement stop.

Finally I get through to the daycare (it's been 20 minutes of trying and trying), and the woman on the other end reassures me, "Yes. All of the children are just fine here, everything is okay".

I thank her.

I hang up.

And the tears fall from my eyes out of nowhere and I realize I must have been holding my breath because I breathe this deep, long breath, and the tears are still coming... he is okay, which means, I am okay.

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